发表高水平学术论文30余篇,授权受理专利10余项,主持国家自然基金、博士后面上项目、装发预研项目、军科委项目等多项课题,研究成果入选思源计划,获得日内瓦国际发明展银奖,第一届空军“无人争锋”挑战赛优胜奖,第二届空军“无人争锋”挑战赛冠军及优胜奖,第三届空军“无人争锋”挑战赛冠军,相关科研工作和研制的平台支撑了中国科协科普宣传工作。担任中国指控学会(CICC)青工委委员,集群智能专委会委员,第六届全国集群控制大会宣传主席,IEEE TC、RNC等国际知名期刊审稿人。参与建设研究生核心课程建设项目(软件安全),建设北京航空航天大学卓越工程师核心课程(软件安全)。
5篇代表性论著: 1. Yishi Liu, Xiwang Dong, Zhang Ren, Jianwei Liu, Secure formation control for resilient multi-agent cyber-physical systems under DoS attacks and faults[J], International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 2. Yishi Liu, Xiwang Dong, Pengfei Shi, Zhang Ren, Jianwei Liu, Distributed fault-tolerant formation tracking control for multiagent systems with multiple leaders and constrained actuators[J], IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 3. Yishi Liu, Xiwang Dong, Pengfei Shi, Jianwei Liu, Zhang Ren, Integrated active fault-tolerant formation control for networked multi-agent systems[J], IET Control Theory and Applications. 4. Yishi Liu, Sheng Hong, Enrico Zio, Jianwei Liu, Integrated fault estimation and fault-tolerant control for a flexible regional aircraft[J], Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 5. Yishi Liu, Zhang Ren, Jonathan Cooper, Integrated strategy for commercial aircraft fault-tolerant control[J], Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics. |